• Saving crucial services like our Befriending and Telefriending schemes which provide invaluable points of contacts for our members. To continue running our Befriending service at full capacity (with 3 members of staff) it costs £160K a year. 

  • Strengthening our current services like the Dementia Support groups (for LGBT sufferers and carers) 

  • Strengthening and expanding our specialist intersectional services such as our BAME/PoC work and our Trans and Non-Binary work 

  • To raise funds to help us better meet the increasing needs of older LGBTQ+ people in the UK due to the cost of living crisis/austerity and an increasingly hostile environment 

  • To survive! There isn’t any LGBTQ+ specific older persons charity who can champion LGBTQ+ people at a national level or hold the expertise we do around older LGBTQ+ people.