Opening Doors can only deliver its amazing services and support through fundraising, donations and grants.
This is where you come in, to help make a difference to the lives of LGBTQ+ people over 50 who are adversely impacted by loneliness and isolation or reduced health and wellbeing. Many people continue to experience discrimination or abuse for being LGBTQ+, driving them to isolate themselves or not seek support.
LGBTQ+ people over 50 are more likely to live alone, be distanced or separated from family, have increased mental health concerns and have financial restraints as they get older. Covid-19 has created additional psychological distress and issues around isolation and loneliness.
Make a donation to Opening Doors Read more
Donate to support us as we extend our telefriending service to at risk LGBT+ people over 50 Read more
Donate to support our social groups and services for LGBTQ+ people over 50 from Black, Asian, minority ethnic PoC communities Read more
Donate to support our vital services for LGBTQ+ people affected by dementia Read more
Opening Doors London, although London based, helps not only people who live in London but also those who came from all over the UK who may also be from different parts of the world. The over 50's LGBTQ, BAME and PoC are some of the forgotten community who also needs our support.
Opening Doors is an amazing charity supporting LGBTQ+ people over 50
Remembering the much loved and missed Reverend Peter Jackson. All donations made to Opening Doors, a charity supporting LGBTQ+ over 50.
In memory of our dear brother, uncle and friend Nicky Stephens who died recently.