Training Courses 2022
Opening Doors delivers affordable training for the health and social care sector through its Pride in Care initiative.
ODL also offers bespoke in-house training for organisations, based on the latest policy, research and legislation, to help your team to stay abreast of current equality issues, meet best practice and improve the quality of care and support to your older LGBTQ+ clients and service users. To read more about OD training, click here.
Please note that "face-to-face" public training has been suspended, due to Covid-19. Our public training will be delivered by webinar for the time being.
Public Webinars
Our public training courses are scheduled around key events in the LGBTQ+ calendar, including Pride Month and Transgender Day of Remembrance.
Transgressing Norms: Trans Allyship 101
11:00 - 12:00
Older trans and non-binary people living in the U.K exist at an intersection of transness and age, and are therefore increasingly vulnerable in a country which often demonstrates blatant transphobia and ageism. Opening Doors London is increasingly aware of the need to rally allies in order to ensure equality, safety, and dignity for all older trans and non-binary people, and with this in mind, we present to you "Allyship and Ageing: An Introduction to Trans Allyship".
Get your tickets here!
Exciting e-learning courses coming soon! For more information email [email protected].
Sign up for Pride in Care Update!
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